Postural Coaching

The proposition is a personal follow-up in individual sessions to limber up, tone, smooth and sculpt your body.

Recover harmony and physical ease.

Only by appointements.


feel, listen, breathe, exist
A cover method based on breathing, muscle relaxation, reawaken physical sensations and positive visualizations. Results in opening new perspectives in all situations of life (personal, family, professional, social, health...) includes individual sessions and personalized programs On appointment (children, teenagers and adults).

about sophrology

What is “Sophrology”?

Sophrology is the study of consciousness in harmony achieved by combining the following mental and physical techniques:
- Body Relaxation
- Breathing Control
- Visualization of Positive Images. We describe this as the body Psychology.

Sophrology allows you to reach self consciousness and free yourself of any tension or mental blockage.
Sophrology aides in living a better, healthier life and promotes happiness by improving your own relationship with yourself as well as others.
With Sophrology, you are quickly able to find a state of well being on a daily basis and stimulate your abilities.


It’s a method which gives you tools to find a better balance for your body, spirit, emotions. It Is possible to find the keys of your body, to take ownership of it, and find vitality.

Some exercises prepare your mind and body for readiness.

"Our body is ourselves, it is our own reality that you can touch. It doesn’t go against our intelligence, our feelings, our soul, it goes with it and live it to protect it. Taking consciousness of our body is giving ourselves access to our whole being … because body, spirit, psychic, physicality doesn’t represent the division of being but its unity."
-Therese Bertherat. «le corps a ses raisons»


Individual (solo) sessions or in group.
Programs available for work environments, classrooms, social centers or hospitals. With Sophrology, you will learn the following:
- Stress Control
- Tension Relief
- Instate Calmness
- Find Energy

Individual sessions are customized to benefit each client and their needs.

«Sos» du grec harmonieux, «Phren» l’esprit, «Logos» la science

We undergo too much suffering because the body dictates our reality. Because of this we separate our spirit from our physical bodies. In order to unite our physical and spiritual sides, we must rediscover the harmony of the body, mind and emotions.

Becoming aware of your body allows you to integrate it with your mind, thus, becoming one. Your body and mind, physical and psychic, and even strength and weakness is not the duality of being, but its unity. The goal is to not allow your body to continue to elude you, but instead, use it to enhance our minds.

My professional experience with dance has taught me how to be conscious of feelings as well as moving in permanent control, therefore, I am able to unify my physical and emotional state. I have studied many cultures (Asia, Africa, Japan, etc.) and methods (Feldenkrais, Alexander, Yoga, etc.) which consequently lead me to teaching. I feel the need to share my experiences in order to enrich other's lives by creating harmony between each mind and body.

I wanted to polish my practice of the physical, emotional and the pyschological feelings. Sophrology allows me to improve my knowledge and help each to a better, more present, self.



  • Postural Coaching

    Postural Coaching

    The proposition is a personal follow-up in individual sessions to limber up, tone, smooth and sculpt your body. Recover harmony and physical ease. Only by appointements.  

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  • Sophrology and Dance

    Sophrology and Dance

    In plus of my experience in Dance art I complete my knowing with the sophrology. Finding the harmony of the body and the spirit, practicing this new way for wellness, or how the art help the health, and...

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